France / UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) / Concluding observations on the combined twenty-second and twenty-third periodic report of France / CERD/C/FRA/CO/22-23




France / UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) / Concluding observations on the combined twenty-second and twenty-third periodic report of France / CERD/C/FRA/CO/22-23

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Decision/ruling/judgment date

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Incident(s) concerned/related


Related Bias motivation


Groups affected


Court/Body type

UN Committee


United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Key facts of the case

The observations relate to France's policies and their impact on racial discrimination. Specifically, for counter-terrorism, they involve two recent laws: Law No. 2021-646 of 25 May 2021 for global security preserving freedoms and Law No. 2021-1109 of 24 August 2021 strengthening the respect of the principles of the Republic. These laws provide in particular for reinforced monitoring of religious associations, which, to benefit from a public subsidy, are required to undertake to adhere to the secular character and principles of the Republic (including equality between men and women, human dignity, fraternity) in a "republican commitment contract".

Main reasoning/argumentation

The UN Committee expressed its concern about the information regarding the content and implementation of the two counter-terrorism laws, in that they may give rise to discrimination and an environment of insecurity against certain ethno-religious minorities, such as Arab Muslims, resulting in the deprivation of their rights and fundamental freedoms without compliance with the established procedural guarantees.

Is the case related to the application of the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia, the Racial Equality Directive?

Key issues (concepts, interpretations) clarified by the case

The key question regards the discriminatory scope of measures justified, in a general way, by the protection of "republican principles" in a counter-terrorism perspective.

Results (sanctions, outcome) and key consequences or implications of the case

The Committee recommended that France should review its counter-terrorism legislation and ensure that its content and application comply with international human rights principles. It also recommended that the government should establish sufficient safeguards to ensure that, in practice, the application of counter-terrorism measures does not have an adverse effect contrary to the rights protected by the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), in particular with respect to certain ethno-religious minorities.

Key quotation in original language and its unofficial translation into English with reference details

"Le Comité est préoccupé par les informations concernant le contenu et l’application de la loi no 2021-646 du 25 mai 2021 pour une sécurité globale préservant les libertés et la loi no 2021-1109 du 24 août 2021 confortant le respect des principes de la République, qui peuvent donner lieu à des discriminations et à un environnement d’insécurité à l’encontre de certaines minorités ethnoreligieuses, telles que les personnes musulmanes arabes, africaines, tchétchènes et autres, entraînant des privations de leurs droits et libertés fondamentales sans le respect des garanties de procédures établies." "The Committee is concerned about the information regarding the content and implementation of Law No. 2021-646 of 25 May 2021 for comprehensive security preserving freedoms and Law No. 2021-1109 of 24 August 2021 consolidating the respect for the principles of the Republic, which may give rise to discrimination and an environment of insecurity against certain ethno-religious minorities, such as Arab, African, Chechen and other Muslims, resulting in the deprivation of their rights and fundamental freedoms without compliance with established procedural guarantees."

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